My favorite games


This page is devoted to some of my favorite games, from N64, to Playstation, and also computer games. The first of each set of images is the actual game. The other images are for available strategy guides. Click on any of these images to purchase the item from

My favorite N64 game is Zelda 64. I have been a fan of Zelda games since the first one came out for the original Nintendo system.

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Zelda: Majora's Mask has just come out. It's fantastic.


One of my favorite Playstation games is Final Fantasy VII. I love role-playing games, and this is one of the best.

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My first real role-playing game that I played on the computer was Might & Magic: World of Xeen. Since then, I am hooked on the Might & Magic Series. I just started M&M 8, which is just as good as the others.


Since I have a cable modem now, I began to dabble with online games. Everquest is a fantastic online game role-playing game. I have actually created one character of each of the 14 classes, between two servers. While I may not become a level 50 of any one kind, I have a great time playing. I highly recommend it.

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